Dust off that holiday sweater, load up your games and join us for a very special Game Night on Dec. 7 at Sugar Maple (441 E Lincoln Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53207) from 6-10pm.
In addition to hosting games on this night, we're also hosting our first ever Boardgames Silent Auction, which will benefit AbleGamers Charity. If you want to place items in the Silent Auction, you must sign up prior to the event (details below).
This is an open play night - all games are welcome. Gamers Realm game shop will have demo games as well as games for sale.
The Silent Auction will run from 6pm-9pm. Lots won must be paid for in cash immediately after the auction ends. If you do not have cash, you forfeit to the next highest bidder.
It is FREE to attend and bid on silent auction items. There is a fee to enter lots into the auction (details below).
How the Silent Auction works:
- Purchase the number of lots you'd like to sell in the auction (maximum number of 3 lots per person. If more are purchased, they will be refunded). The number of lots available is limited so we can ensure the auction runs smoothly.
- $5 of each lot purchase will be donated to AbleGamers, the extra $1 helps cover payment fees.
- Lots can consist of: games, game pieces, miniatures, maps, books, etc. All items must relate to tabletop boardgames. Lots can be as big or small as you'd like - most successful lots have a variety of items that will attract multiple bidders.
- Bring your items to Game Night on Dec. 7 by 5:30pm.
- We will use paper bid sheets - full instructions will be listed on them.
- Bidding starts at 6pm. If you haven't arrived by 5:30pm with your items, you will forfeit your spot. There are no hosting fee refunds.
- You set the base price for the bid. Bids will increase by $2.
- Auction ends at 9pm.
- Sales must be conducted in cash and payment must be made to the lot holder once bidding ends. If any items were not bid on, lot owners take their items with them. Hosting fees will not be refunded - that money is being donated to AbleGamers Charity.